Elon Musk turned Twitter headquarters into a hotel for employees

Why the owner of Twitter Elon Musk turned Twitter headquarters into a hotel for employees

Twitter new owner Elon Musk has turned a conference room into a bedroom at the company. Headquarters in San Francisco. Photos of the office space being converted into bedrooms are going viral on social media. Which officials are investigating as a possible building code violation.

Elon Musk turned Twitter headquarters into a hotel for employees
Elon Musk turned Twitter headquarters into a hotel for employees

One of the photos shows a room with a double bed. Including a wardrobe & slippers. A former employee of the company has claimed that new chief Elon Musk has been living in the headquarters since he bought the company. Last month Musk sent an email to all Twitter employees saying they must be very committed to success.

The San Francisco Building Inspection Department confirmed it was investigating possible violations after receiving a complaint. On this owner Elon Musk issued a statement strongly condemning this investigation & also said that he is providing rest for his tired employees.

There have also been photos of couches used as beds at Twitter headquarters. 

Another meeting room is also shown in the pictures.

Keep in mind that ever since Elon Musk has taken over the management of the company, he is constantly putting pressure on his employees to do more. He sent these instructions to the employees through his email. It is being also said that Twitter employees are now sleeping in the office due to work pressure.

An official of the Building Inspection Department while talking to the media said that there is a need to ensure that the building is being used for its intended purpose.

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